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Agenda Item

A-6. 20-920 CC - (1) Acceptance of Los Angeles County Certification of Sufficiency of Initiative Petition on Proposed Measure Regarding Rent Control; and (2) Direction to Take One of the Following Actions to Comply with Elections Code Section 9215: (a) At the May 11, 2020 Council Meeting, Introduce the Ordinance Proposed in the Measure, and Adopt the Ordinance at a Regular or Adjourned Regular Meeting Within 10 Days; (b) Submit the Ordinance, Without Alteration, to the Voters, at the Next Regular Election; or (c) Request Staff prepare a Report, Pursuant to Elections Code Section 9212, Discussing the Impact and Effects of the Proposed Initiative after which Council will Determine Whether to Place on a Ballot or Introduce and Adopt the Ordinance.