
Tell us what's on your mind. Your comments and information become part of the official public record of the meeting. Please note that you will receive an email confirmation from speakup@granicus.com that your comment has been received. General questions may be directed to city.clerk@culvercity.org. 

Agenda Item

C-12. 25-860 CC- CONSENT ITEM: (1) Adoption of a Resolution Declaring City-Owned Property at 10401 Virginia Avenue (APNs 4209-027-905, 4209-029-900, 4209-029-923, 4209-029-924 & 4209-029-925) as Exempt Surplus Land Pursuant to Government Code Section 54221(f)(1)(F); and (2) Approval of an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with Actors Fund Housing Development Corporation to Negotiate the Lease of City-Owned Property at 10401 Virginia Avenue (APNs 4209-027-905, 4209-029-900, 4209-029-923, 4209-029-924 & 4209-029-925) for the Construction of a Mixed-Use Affordable Housing Project.

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