
Tell us what's on your mind. Your comments and information become part of the official public record of the meeting. Please note that you will receive an email confirmation from speakup@granicus.com that your comment has been received. General questions may be directed to city.clerk@culvercity.org. 

Agenda Item

A-1. 25-735 CC - ACTION ITEM: Consideration of Whether to Approve (1) Award of a $15,000 Off-Cycle Special Events Grant to Walk n' Rollers and Designation of the Proposed Earth Day Elenda Open Street Event as a City-Sponsored Event; (2) A Street Closure along Elenda Street between Culver Boulevard and Farragut Drive on Tuesday, April 22, 2025; (3) Authorization to the City Manager to Approve Applicable City Permits and Licenses Required to Implement the Street Closure; and (4) FOUR-FIFTHS VOTE REQUIREMENT: Approval of a Related Budget Amendment Appropriating $14,075 from the General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance.

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