A-2 24-99 (1) Creation or Amendment of an Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2023/2024, including Proposed Events and Workshops; and (2) Approve the Work Plan for Fiscal year 2023/2024 for Transmittal to City Council for Approval; (3) Discussion and Approval of EHRAC's List of Accomplishments over the last 6 months for transmittal to City Council (4) (if desired) Creation of Ad Hoc Subcommittees to Commence Planning the Proposed 2023/2024 Events and Workshops and Appoint Members Thereto; and (4). Discussion and Approval of EHRAC's List of Accomplishments over the Past 6 months for Transmittal to City Council.
(1) Creation or Amendment of an Equity and Human Relations Advisory Committee Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2023/2024, including Proposed Events and Workshops; and (2) Approve the Work Plan for Fiscal year 2023/2024 for Transmittal to City Council for Approval (3) (if desired) Creation of Ad Hoc Subcommittees to Commence Planning the Proposed 2023/2024 Events and Workshops and Appoint Members Thereto.