C-4. 22-801 CC - CONSENT ITEM: (1) Approval of a Change Order to the Existing Purchase Order with Toter LLC in an Additional Amount of $55,000 to Purchase approximately 745 32-,64- and 96-Gallon Refuse, Recycling, and Organics Carts at approximately $72 Per Cart, Resulting in an Aggregate Amount Not-To-Exceed $175,000 for FY 2021/2022; and (2) Approval of a Purchase Order with Toter LLC for the Purchase of approximately 2,600 32-,64- and 96-Gallon Refuse, Recycling, and Organics Carts at approximately $72 Per Cart for FY 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 in the Amount of $175,000 Annually; and (3) Authorization to the Public Works Director to Approve Two Additional One-Year Terms in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $175,000 for FY 2024/2025, and $175,000 for FY 2025/2026.