Meeting Time: August 25, 2021 at 7:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

PH-1. 22-192 PC - Consideration of Recommending to the City Council (1) Certification of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR), and Adoption of Findings Required by CEQA and a Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP); (2) Approval of Zoning Map Amendment (P2021-0025-ZMA); (3) Approval of Comprehensive Plan No. 16 (P2021-0025-CP); (4) Approval of Density and Other Bonus Incentives (P2021-0025-DOBI); (5) Approval of Tentative Parcel Map (P2021-0025-TPM); and (6) Approval of Administrative Use Permit (P2021-0025-AUP) for a 5-Story Mixed Use Development on a 3.43 acre site at 11111 Jefferson Boulevard (Project). ...body Meeting Date: August 25, 2021 Contact Person/Dept: William Kavadas/Current Planning Jeffrey Anderson/Interim Current Planning Manager Sol Blumenfeld / Community Development Director Phone Number: 310-253-5713 Fiscal Impact: Yes [] No [X] General Fund: Yes [] No [X] Public Hearing: [X] Action Item: [] Attachments: Yes [X] No [] Public Notification: (Mailed) Property owners and occupants within a 500-foot radius of the Project site (08/04/2021), (E-mail) Master Notification List (08/05/2021), (Posted) City website (08/05/2021), (Sign) Posted on the site (07/26/2021), (Published) Culver City News on 08/05/2021, (E-Mail) Meetings and Agendas - Planning Commission (08/20/21) Department Approval: Sol Blumenfeld, Community Development Director (08/18/21) ______________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission: 1. Recommend to the City Council Certification of the Project EIR, Adoption of Findings Required by CEQA, and Adoption of the Mitigation Monitoring Program (MMP) (P2021-0025-EIR), Resolution 2021-P008 (Attachment No. 1); and 2. Recommend to the City Council Approval of Zoning Map Amendment (P2021-0025-ZMA) from CG to PD, Resolution 2021-P009 (Attachment No. 2); and 3. Recommend to the City Council Approval of Comprehensive Plan No. 16 (CP No. 16), (P2021-0025-CP) subject to the Conditions of Approval as stated in Resolution No. 2021-P009 (Attachment No. 2); and 4. Recommend to the City Council Approval of a Density and Other Bonus Incentives (P2021-0025-DOBI) Resolution No. 2021-P009 (Attachment No. 2); and 5. Recommend to the City Council Approval of the Tentative Parcel Map 083409 (P2021-0025-TPM) for lot consolidation and Subject to the Conditions of Approval as stated in Resolution No. 2021-P009 (Attachment No. 2); and 6. Recommend to the City Council Approval of Administrative Use Permit (P2021-0025-AUP) for alcohol uses Subject to the Conditions of Approval as stated in Resolution No. 2021-P009 (Attachment No. 2). PROCEDURES: 1. Chair calls on staff for a staff report and Commission poses questions to staff as desired. 2. Chair opens the public hearing, providing the Applicant the first opportunity to speak, followed by the general public. 3. Chair seeks a motion to close the public hearing after all testimony has been presented. 4. Commission discusses the matter and arrives at its decision. BACKGROUND: Existing Conditions The Project site has a General Plan land use designation of General Corridor Commercial and is currently zoned Commercial General (CG), with a portion of parcel 4215-001-020 zoned Single Family Residential (R1). The Project site is bounded by Jefferson Boulevard to the east, Sepulveda Boulevard to the west and Machado Road to the north. The site is 3.43 acres in size and triangular in shape. The subject property is currently divided into four separate properties and improved with a US Post Office (27,225 sf), Coco's restaurant (6,064 sf) and a Valvoline Instant Oil Change (1,722 sf). A portion of the existing surface parking lot is used by the nearby Exceptional Children's Foundation ("ECF") as off -site parking whose parking will be replaced in the development pursuant to a parking agreement between the applicant and ECF. All existing structures will be demolished to allow the construction of the project. The surrounding zoning and land uses are as listed below. · North: Planned Development (PD) Zone (residential neighborhood (Heritage Park) and a private K-12 school across Machado Road) · East: Commercial Regional Retail (CRR) Zone (Studio Village Shopping Center and surface parking lot across Jefferson Blvd) · South and West: Commercial General (CG) Zone (temple (Temple Akiba) and commercial uses across Sepulveda Blvd) There are residential uses north of Temple Akiba along Sepulveda Boulevard (Studio Village Townhomes), to the rear of the Studio Village Shopping Center (Sunset Park Neighborhood), and to the south (Blanco Park Neighborhood). Request Jefferson Park LLC (Applicant) is requesting approval to develop a mixed-use project that includes retail, office, and residential facilities at the intersection of Jefferson Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard (11111 Jefferson Boulevard) on a 3.43-acre site (Project). The request is to approve the following: · Zoning Map Amendment - to change the zoning of the site to Planned Development (PD). · Comprehensive Plan - to establish development standards and design for the development. · Density and Other Bonus Incentives - to allow increased project density. · Tentative Parcel Map - to consolidate the properties. · Administrative Use Permit - to allow alcoholic beverage sales and outdoor dining for future uses. As part of the review of the development project, the applicant has provided a Construction Management Plan, held Community Outreach meetings including three mandatory large group community meetings and a number of small group community meetings over the last two years, and processed an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to analyze the effect of the Project on the environment. This analysis is discussed in the Environmental Determination of this report and detailed in Attachment Nos 1 and 5. Project Description The proposed Project is a 5-story mixed-use development that includes retail, office, and residential uses as well as one level of subterranean parking (Attachment No. 4). The Project has a total building area of 555,221 square feet, including parking areas (subterranean, ground level and above-ground). The usable building area is 311,109 square feet, including retail, office, and residential uses. A total of 653 automobile and 97 bicycle parking spaces are provided. Parking for the commercial space is located on the ground floor and 1st Level. A park is proposed for public use adjacent to the intersection of Sepulveda Boulevard and Machado Road and other on grade open space is proposed at the corner of Sepulveda Boulevard and Jefferson Boulevard and within the Project. Commercial uses for the Project would be located on the first and second level. The first level of the building would include 55,050 square feet of commercial floor area including a tenant space earmarked for a 38,600 square foot grocery store. A landscaped courtyard (The Paseo Courtyard) would include outdoor seating for visitors and for the restaurants and as well as public gathering areas. The second level would include 11,450 square feet of office floor area. The office uses, are oriented towards Sepulveda Boulevard, and wrap around the parking garage area to shield the parking from view from the street. Multiple pedestrian access points through elevators and stairs connect the office and retail parking to the ground floor. The Project proposes 230 residential units including a density bonus permitted under State and local density bonus laws for affordable housing. The units range from studios to 2-bedrooms. Included within that unit total are 19 affordable to very low-income units and 2 workforce housing units provided pursuant to State density bonus law and the City's Community Benefit provisions in Section 17.400.065.E.3 (discussed later in this report). The residential units would be located on Levels 3 through 5 and include common open space and amenities. Parking for the residents would be in the subterranean level. Resident amenities would be provided on the third floor of the building within a 24,000 square foot courtyard and a 2,500 square foot amenity room. The courtyard and amenity room would include: a fitness center, BBQ area, conference room/business center, pool, and sun deck. The pool and sundeck are to be set back from Sepulveda Boulevard and are screened by the residential building. Storage facilities will be provided in the residential leasing office and subterranean parking garage. ANALYSIS: Zoning Map Amendment The subject property currently has a zoning designation of CG and a portion zoned R1. To facilitate the proposed development, the Applicant is requesting a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone the property to Planned Development (PD). The Zoning Code states that the PD zone can be "applied to sites suitable for combined commercial, residential and/or live/work uses within a physically integrated and contiguous area". In addition, sites must be a minimum of one acre. To develop within the PD zone, a Comprehensive Plan must be approved (CCMC Section 17.560) that includes standards and design for the proposed development. The site is generally surrounded by commercial uses, with some residential uses (single-family and multi-family) in the vicinity. In addition, two primary arterials are located adjacent to the site which is fitting for mixed-use development. The site is greater than 1 acre (3.43 acres) and the applicant has submitted a Comprehensive Plan for the development of the project. Comprehensive Plan The subject property is located primarily within the CG Zoning District. The Applicant is proposing to rezone the property to Planned Development and is proposing a Comprehensive Plan (CP No. 16). The Comprehensive Plan allows for flexibility to accommodate land uses and development standards considering the unique characteristics of the use, setting, and surrounding area. Pursuant to Section 17.560 of the Zoning Code, the Comprehensive Plan includes development standards that allow for the design and the uses of the proposed mixed-use development. The Project entitlements also include Conditions of Approval, included as Exhibit A to the Draft Resolution 2021-P009 (See Attachment No. 2). The Comprehensive Plan has the following objectives: · Develop an underutilized site into a high quality mixed-used project with a diverse range of residential dwelling types, including market rate and affordable units, and commercial uses. · Provide a development that supports pedestrian and bicycle users through elimination of driveway cuts along the site, contributes to on-site and off-site bicycle infrastructure, and includes enhanced streetscape improvements, including new sidewalks, street furniture and in ground planters that connect to a network of open space to and through the project. · Develop a project with a unique architectural design that enhances the visual appeal of the area and acts as a gateway for the southern edge of Culver City. · Provide useable open space with a publicly accessible park at Machado Road at Sepulveda Boulevard. Comprehensive Plan Proposed Uses The proposed Project includes retail, office, and residential uses totaling 311,109 square feet of floor area with the following development program: · Commercial Retail - 55,050 square feet (1st Level) · Office - 11,450 square feet (2nd Level) · Residential - 244,609 square feet (230 units/including 19 affordable) (3rd through 5th Levels) · Parking - 653 parking spaces, 97 bicycle parking spaces (Subterranean, 1st Level and 2nd Level) · Open Space (Public, Common, Private) - 66,360 square feet (1st through 5th Levels) Comprehensive Plan Section No. 2.1.4 - Permitted Uses, Table 2 indicates project uses permitted by right and those subject to administrative approval. Permitted uses include food service/restaurants, financial, retail, fitness, indoor amusement entertainment uses, medical, personal services, and studios (art, dance, music, exercise, or similar uses as approved by the Director pursuant to Section 17.120.010 A of the Zoning Code. Development Standards The Project complies with Zoning Code requirements and with Development Standards noted in the Comprehensive Plan that are primarily based upon the Mixed-Use Development Standards in CCMC § 17.400.065 and State Density Bonus law Developer Incentives for building height and parking pursuant to Government Code Sections 65915 (d) (2) and 65915 (f). as summarized below: Residential Density* 67.5 du/acre 50 du/acre (base density) plus 17.5 (State Density Bonus of 35%) Floor Area Maximum 555,221 sf (including parking areas) Minimum Setbacks None Required Height* 67 feet Automobile Parking Spaces* 653 spaces Bicycle Parking Spaces 97 spaces * Allowances provided by State Density Bonus law Project Design The proposed Project design is contemporary. The exteriors are designed with a soft, warm color palette, smooth and combed stucco with intermittent use of bold colors to add variation. The base color scheme of the building is white, with soft warm greys and areas with accent colors. Wood paneling is utilized, primarily on the upper floors, to add depth and texture to the façade. While the structure on the site is one building, it is modulated into components that appear as separate buildings. The Project design and site layout is driven by the triangular shaped property through the use of a long, winding building layout. The winding building layout allows for access and visibility through the property, multiple outdoor courtyards, and open space features at two of the site corners that create a distinctive identity for the Project. Massing allows for a varied streetscape, with undulations and pop outs to create texture and depth along both vertical and horizontal runs of the building façade. Pedestrian-oriented public spaces are located at various locations throughout the Project. The architecture features bay windows clad in wood for the residential units that break up horizontal and vertical runs of the façade. Residential patios and balconies include both wood and combed stucco accents that helps create a varied building facade. Open Space The Project includes a total of approximately 66,360 square feet of public and private outdoor open space, landscaping, patios, and amenity spaces. Of this total, an area of approximately 37,560 square feet is dedicated to private residential uses and 13,800 square feet is proposed as community open space under the Project Community Benefit provisions of the Mixed-Use Ordinance. The breakdown in open space is provided below. Community Open Space § Machado (Public) Park - 13,800 sf (Sepulveda Blvd and Machado Road) Publicly Accessible Open Space § Paseo Courtyard - 13,000 sf (Sepulveda Blvd and Jefferson Blvd) § Entry Courtyard - 2,000 sf (Sepulveda Blvd and Janisann Ave) Subtotal Publicly Accessible Community Open Space - 28,800 sf Common Open Space (for Residents) § Courtyard (Third Level) 24,000 sf § Private Open Space (Balconies) 13,560 sf Subtotal Residents Open Space - 37,560 sf The total Project Open Space provided is 66,360 square feet. In-lieu parkland fees will be required for the Project related to the open space, excluding the affordable units from the fee calculation. In addition, the City Council, as the decision-making authority, will consider applicant's request for a recreational facilities credit of up to 50%, pursuant to Culver City Municipal Code Section 15.06.320.B. Project Access The Project Site has driveway access from Sepulveda Boulevard, Jefferson Boulevard and Machado Road. There are currently ten driveways that allow access: five on Sepulveda Boulevard, three on Jefferson Boulevard, and two on Machado Road. Seven driveways would be removed, resulting in three remaining driveways serving the proposed Project. The reduction of driveways will improve pedestrian and bicycle circulation. Vehicular access to the Project Site would be provided from one driveway on Sepulveda Boulevard at Janisann Avenue and two driveways on Machado Road. The Project also includes a proposed traffic signal at the intersection of Janisann Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard. Additionally, the Project provides improvements for Machado Road, including a new 8-foot sidewalk, curb, street trees and redesign of portions of the median to allow for turn lanes for eastbound and westbound left turns into Heritage Park and the Project Site, respectively. The Project Site is oriented such that visitors and residents will be able to walk through and around the Project Site with multiple access points to the development. New eight-foot-wide sidewalks will be installed on all surrounding streets. Pedestrian access into the new retail and commercial development would be available at Sepulveda Boulevard and Janisann Avenue, at the corner of Sepulveda Boulevard and Jefferson Boulevard (Paseo Courtyard), and at places along Machado Road and along Jefferson Boulevard. Access to the residential lobby will be provided through the Machado Park along Machado Road. Parking, Loading and Bike Lanes A total of 653 parking stalls are provided in the Project. This includes 342 parking stalls below grade, 80 parking stalls on the ground level, and 230 stalls on the second level. The subterranean level includes 34 spaces for exclusive use by ECF, which is located across the street on Machado Road and Jefferson Boulevard. All parking for the residential component is located below grade, including guest parking. Parking on the ground floor and second level will be used for the retail, office, and restaurant uses. Parking is required for the residential units, and the office, retail and restaurant uses. The table below details the proposed parking. Proposed Land Use Type Proposed Land Use Size Required Number of Spaces Number of Required ** Number of Proposed 2-Bedroom Units 64 Dwelling Units 2 spaces / dwelling unit 128 128 *1-Bedroom Units 112 Dwelling Units 1 space / dwelling unit 112 112 Studio Units 54 Dwelling Units 1 space / dwelling unit 54 54 *Guest Parking 1 space / 4 dwelling unit 0 14 ECF Easement Parking Agreed Upon Easement 34 34 Office 11,450 s.f. 1 / 350 s.f. 33 33 Grocery 38,600 s.f. 1 / 350 s.f. 111 121 Specialty Retail 3,900 s.f. 1 / 350 s.f. 12 8 Health / Fitness 1,950 s.f. 1 / 200 s.f. 10 10 Fast Food / Fast Casual Restaurant 7,300 s.f. 1 / 75 s.f. 98 98 Sit Down Restaurant 3,300 s.f. 1 / 100 s.f. 33 33 Excess patio Area 740 s.f. 1 / 100 s.f. 8 8 Total: *633 653 * Requested incentive for Density and Other Bonus Incentives **132 EV capable parking spaces, with 66 EV-ready and 66 with full EV charger stations The provided parking constitutes 20 more parking spaces than would be required by State law for projects with an affordable housing component as described more fully under Density and Other Bonus Incentives. The Project will provide 97 bicycle parking spaces, 26 for short-term use and 71 for long-term use. Short-term bicycle spaces would be installed in various locations on the first level along Sepulveda Boulevard and near the grocery store tenant space. Long-term spaces for the residents are provided in a secure enclosure with bike racks, located in the subterranean parking area of the building. Long-term spaces for retail and office uses are located on the second level near elevators and a shower room. The Project would establish bicycle lanes along the abutting segment of Sepulveda Boulevard between Machado Road and Jefferson Boulevard which the Applicant will help fund as part of the project Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures. This bicycle infrastructure link with Ballona Creek Bike Path would encourage bicycle trips to and from the Project Site and to other areas of Culver City. Based on the mix of uses in the Project, three separate loading spaces have been designed. Office and retail loading areas are provided as a curb cut on Jefferson Boulevard. This would also serve ride share users. A residential loading area is designed as a curb cut on Sepulveda Boulevard. Large truck deliveries for the grocery store would be off Machado Road where they would access a loading dock within the Project Site via the eastern-most retail entrance. Grocery store loading with tractor trailers and other large trucks is proposed to be managed entirely within the building footprint as shown in Comprehensive Plan Figure Nos. G and H - Parking and Loading. According to the Comprehensive Plan, all large truck loading will be managed to take ingress from Machado Road, pulling into a dedicated loading aisle entirely within the garage and then backing up into the grocery store loading dock. Truck back-up warning beeper noise is to be contained within the garage with garage noise attenuating features like full height walls abutting the driveway entry and sound attenuation panels installed along garage ceilings and walls adjacent to the loading dock. This loading requirement has been added to the Project Conditions of Approval. Transportation Demand Management The Project incorporates measures from a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan. The proposed public improvements and site design elements will enhance the use of walking, biking, and public transit as alternatives to the automobile. Design features include traffic signal and pedestrian safety enhancements, bicycle parking, a designated drop-off area for ride share, streetscape and pedestrian improvements, new streetlights and crosswalks and improved bus stops. Other measures that will be included in the TDM Plan include a Commuter Marketing Program, off-street parking pricing for the office uses, relocated bus stop, bike lanes, e-assist bikes, and a guaranteed ride home program. Sustainability The Project provides sustainability features and code required green building features and technologies and incorporates design and operational strategies consistent with LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). The following features will be incorporated into the Project. · Storm water collection and discharge in compliance with the City's storm water ordinance and low-impact development standards. · Drought tolerant and water efficient landscaping. · 132 EV capable parking spaces, 66 EV-ready and 66 full EV charging. · On-site recycling collection facilities. · Solar photovoltaic generation. Trash and Recycling Trash and recycling will be provided separately for the residential and commercial uses. For residential uses, trash chutes will be provided with a trash room located on the first level adjacent to the management offices and on the Jefferson Boulevard frontage. Office and retail tenants will be provided dumpsters on the first level, also on the Jefferson Boulevard frontage and all trash pick-ups will be done within garage areas. Public Art Pursuant to the City's Public Art Program CCMC 15.06.120, the development will trigger the Art in Public Places Program requirement. The Applicant will have several options including payment of an in-lieu fee or commissioning original, site-specific permanent art. Master Sign Program The Project signage will be provided pursuant to a Master Sign Program submittal in accordance with CCMC Section 17.330 and Section No 2.6 of the Comprehensive Plan. The Master Sign Program and will be developed to create a sign pallet consistent with the building architecture and that allows for individual store identity and clear project identity signage that includes canopy signs, wall signs, blade signs, directional signs and free standing monument signs. Community Benefit The requirement to provide Community Benefits for Mixed-Use Development projects is prescribed in Resolution No. 2008-015 adopted by City Council in connection with the City's Mixed-Use Ordinance. The Applicant has requested that an on-site park, proposed to be made available to the public, be considered the Project Community Benefit consistent with Resolution No. 2008-015 since the project was vested in 2020 through an SB 35 Vesting Application. Community Benefits have more recently involved the provision of affordable housing and this requirement was codified in a Mixed-Use Ordinance amendment in January 2021. Since the project was vested prior to the adoption of the January 2021 amendments, it is subject to the Resolution 2008-015. In addition to the publicly accessible on-site park, the Applicant has also proposed two workforce below market housing units with long-term affordability covenants as part of the Project Community Benefit.1 The determination of the project Community Benefit is made entirely by the City Council as part of the project approval process. Based upon a City Council approved Community Benefit, a local density bonus of 50 units per acre may be approved as the Project base density. Further, under State Density Bonus law, the City is required to grant up to a 35% density bonus increase provided the Project includes Very low-income units with required long-term affordability covenants (55 years). The Project is proposed to include 19 very low-income units in conformance with State Density Bonus law to grant the 35% density bonus increase. State Density Bonus, Developer Concessions and Waivers Government Code Section 65915(d)(2) identifies a number of developer concessions in development standards that must granted by the City, based upon the percentage of income-restricted units to be included in the development unless it can be demonstrated that the proposed concession is not required. Further, a developer of a qualified affordable project may also request a number of waivers or concessions in the development standards that would otherwise preclude the construction of the project with the density bonus. The City may not apply any development standard which precludes the construction of the Project at its permitted density with the granted concessions. CCMC Chapter 17.580 - Density and Other Bonus Incentives, requires the City to follow State Density law. In accordance with State Law and CCMC Chapter 17.580, the Project proposes a total of 19 affordable dwelling units. The table below indicates how the density is calculated for this project. Table 1 - Density Calculation Lot Area Base Density: 35 du/ac Community Benefit*: 50 du/ac Base Number of Units Micro Unit Density Bonus State Density Bonus: 35% Total Allowed # of Units 3.43 acres 50 172 0 61 additional units 233 *TOD/TPA, Split Jurisdiction permits 65 du/ac when applicable The Culver City Municipal Code Community Benefit bonus and the State required density bonus allow for 233 units on the Project Site. The Applicant is proposing 230 units which includes 19 very low-income units and 2 workforce housing units. 11 percent of the project base density is proposed to be affordable. Developer Incentives Based on providing 11 percent of the base density as affordable, the Applicant is requesting incentives to make the project financially feasible consistent with State Density Bonus Developer Incentives. · Height Increase The Applicant is proposing a Project building height of 67 feet with additional Zoning Code allowable height projections for elevators, parapets, building equipment, and solar panels. The elevator projections measure 13 feet above the roof height, although the Zoning Code allows up to 19 feet 6 inches. The parapet extends 3 feet 6 inches above the finished roof surface, the building equipment extends 8 feet and the solar panels extends 6 feet above the roof surface. The projections are proposed in the center of the roof allowing the parapet to screen the projections from ground level views. Pursuant to State Density Bonus law, the developer has requested that the City grant an additional 11 feet of building height as a developer waiver which the City is required to approve when necessary to make the development program financially feasible. The developer requested waivers include: § Parking Reduction: Parking requirements for the proposed development are indicated in Section No - Table 3 - Parking Counts - in the Comprehensive Plan. The Applicant is requesting the following parking reductions: One Bedroom Units Over 900 sf 3 Units Proposed-Requires 1 space per unit, 1 Provided, Reduction of 2 Parking Spaces Guest Parking Required: 1 space per 4 units, 58 spaces typically required, 14 Provided, Reduction of 44 Parking Spaces In summary, the Applicant has requested a density bonus, developer incentives and developer waivers and concessions related to density, building height and parking to make the Project financially feasible. The combination of the density bonus and the incentives and concessions are intended to result in identifiable and actual cost reductions to provide for affordable housing costs as prescribed in Government Code Section 65915(k)(1) through (3). Government Code Section 65915(d)(1) allows the Applicant to submit a proposal to the City for specific incentives or concessions. Based on the level of Project affordability, the City is obligated to allow the Applicant to construct 230 residential units on the Site. In addition, given the percentage of affordability relative to the base Project density, the City is obligated to allow an additional 11 feet of extra building height as a developer concession and parking reductions for guest parking as a waiver, necessary to physically accommodate the proposed scope of development.2 Tentative Parcel Map Currently the Project site is divided into four separate properties. The properties are currently used as a parking lot for ECF (which is located on the north side of Machado Road), the US Post Office, Coco's Restaurant and Valvoline Instant Oil Change. The Applicant is proposing a Parcel Map to consolidate the four lots into one lot. This consolidation would allow for the construction of the development. Administrative Use Permit The proposed development includes 55,050 square feet of commercial floor area on the ground level. The Applicant is pursuing flexibility through the Comprehensive Plan in applying an administrative use permit (AUP) for alcohol service and outdoor dining conjunction with a restaurant. Generally, these uses require an individual AUP when an individual tenant requests to serve alcohol or establish an outdoor seating area. The Comprehensive Plan is intended to address this issue by allowing alcoholic beverage sales as a permitted ancillary use to food retail and restaurant uses in the proposed Project as an alternative to this requirement applying separately to each business. The proposed CP requires a bar to obtain approval of an AUP pursuant to CCMC Section 17.400.015 (Alcoholic Beverage Sales). As microbreweries and wine bars have similar characteristics to a bar, staff is recommending that these uses also conform to this requirement and it has been included it as a Condition of Approval in the Project resolution. The Comprehensive Plan also allows for alcoholic beverages to be sold for offsite consumption as a permitted use, such as in the proposed Project grocery store. A list of standards is included in the Comprehensive Plan that alcoholic beverage sales must comply with to operate. Construction Management Plan The Applicant has submitted a preliminary Construction Management Plan, Traffic Control Plan and Pedestrian Protection Plan. The purpose of the Construction Management Plan is to establish how the project management team will implement and perform its site management responsibilities during construction and provides information to the public about the Project's objectives. timeline, construction fencing, pedestrian diversion (if required) pedestrian protection requirements, community notification, construction hours, and hoisting (if required). The Plan also covers environmental issues such as noise and vibration management as well as dust control and erosion control. In the event that special construction activities such as concrete pours, oversized equipment delivery, or mobile crane placement are required after permitted hours of construction, a Temporary Use Permit would be required from the City pursuant to CCMC Section 9.07.035. The Project would require excavation to accommodate subterranean parking, building foundations, utilities, and other improvements. Approximately 88,000 cubic yards of earthwork would be excavated and exported from the Project Site. The Project would excavate to a maximum depth of 25 feet below grade. The Construction Management Plan provides an estimated construction schedule. Based on the building's proposed design, the project's construction will be divided into 3 distinct phases to construct the building efficiently and minimize impact on surrounding streets and neighbors. Phase 1. Includes demolition, shoring, excavation, and waterproofing. Estimated start date is April 2022. Phase 2. Includes foundations, concrete structure, enclosure, and finishes. Estimated start date is June 2022. Phase 3. Includes offsite improvements and landscaping. Estimated Start date is January 2024. The estimated date of completion is May 2024. The project construction is anticipated to take two years. Project generated noise is mitigated with the following measures as described in the MMP: · Noise 1 - The provision of a 15-foot-tall temporary construction fence equipped with noise blankets along the northern and western boundaries of the project site. · Noise 2 - Contractors to ensure that all construction equipment is equipped with properly operating and maintained noise shielding and muffling devices. A Final Construction Management Plan (FCMP) will be prepared by the Project contractor in consultation with the Project's traffic and/or civil engineer for City review and approval. COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Three mandatory community meetings were held for the project as part of the outreach to neighbors and community members under the City's community outreach guidelines as follows: § Community Meeting No. 1 - August 29, 2019, at Temple Akiba. § Community Meeting No. 2 - October 6, 2020, virtual meeting. § Community Meeting No. 3 - May 25, 2021, virtual meeting. Meeting No. 1 was held at Temple Akiba, located across Sepulveda Boulevard from the project site. The Community Meeting was held prior to the Covid 19 pandemic. The meeting was attended by approximately 275 people and the applicant presented the development proposal. The public was invited to ask questions and make comments. Meeting No. 2 was associated with the Notice of Preparation (NOP) for the Project EIR. The meeting was held as a virtual meeting due to concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was attended by approximately 86 people. The meeting was split into two segments, a community meeting and the Scoping Meeting required for the preparation of an EIR. The Applicant described the development proposal during the community meeting portion of the meeting. During the NOP portion of the meeting, the Applicant presented the issues to be addressed in the Project EIR. Community concerns included traffic, pedestrian safety, the size and height of the development, the replacement of the post office, housing affordability, blank walls facing onto street frontages, amount of parking. Meeting No. 3 was associated with the Notice of Availability for the Draft EIR. The meeting was held as a virtual due to concerns of the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was attended by approximately 86 people. The meeting was a community meeting followed by a meeting where the City solicited comments to the DEIR. The Applicant described the Project and the environmental impacts analyzed in the Draft EIR. Community concerns expressed included construction impacts such as noise and truck traffic, traffic, loading areas for businesses and residents, parking, homeless issues, potential commercial uses, bus stops, and environmental impacts. In addition to the above mandatory community meetings, the Applicant held over 50 small group community meetings with stakeholder groups over two years. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: The proposed 1111 Jefferson Boulevard Project includes consideration of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Pursuant to the provision of CEQA Guidelines Section 15082, the City circulated a Notice of Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report and Community Meeting/EIR Scoping Meeting (NOP) to State, regional, and local agencies, and members of the public for a 33-day review period commencing September 17, 2020, and ending October 19, 2020. The purpose of the NOP was to formally notice that the City was preparing a Draft EIR for the Project, and to solicit input regarding the scope and content of the environmental information to be included in the Draft EIR. The Community Meeting/EIR Scoping Meeting was held on October 6, 2020. During the public review period for the NOP, 51 commenters submitted responses to the NOP. Correspondence was received from the Native American Heritage Commission, the South Coast Air Quality Management District, the State of California Department of Transportation, interested organizations, and interested parties. All written comments are provided in Appendix A-4, of the Draft EIR. The Draft EIR was circulated for a 47-day public review period commencing on May 6. 2021 and ending on June 21, 2021. During the Draft EIR review period, 20 comment letters on the Draft EIR were received from agencies, organizations, and individuals through written correspondence and emails. These comment letters have been included in Appendix A, Original Comment Letters of the Final EIR. Also, during the Draft EIR public review period, the City conducted a virtual Community Meeting focused on the Project and a public meeting focused on the Draft EIR on May 25, 2021. This public meeting was not required by the CEQA Guidelines, but rather conducted to provide an additional opportunity for public input. The public meeting on the Draft EIR provided an overview of the findings in the Draft EIR, explained the process for providing comments on the document, and outlined the remaining process for completion of a Final EIR. All written comments received during the public review period and during the public meeting on the Draft EIR are presented, and responses are provided in Chapter 2, Comments and Responses, of this Final EIR. A Final EIR has been prepared and includes responses to comments (Attachment No. 5). Studies were completed for Air Quality, Cultural Resources, Energy, Paleontological Resources, Greenhouse Gas, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Noise, Transportation Impact Study and Tribal Cultural Resources. Mitigation measures have been incorporated into the project's design. Mitigation Measures include mitigations for Air Quality, Cultural Resources, Geology and Soils, Noise, Public Services and Transportation. With the inclusion of these mitigation measures impacts on the environment are reduced to a less than significant level. Conditions of Approval require that the Applicant implement the Mitigation Measures as contained in the Mitigation Monitoring Program. CONCLUSION: The Project is proposed to redevelop a four-lot triangular parcel currently occupied by a post office, restaurant, automotive repair, and a surface parking lot. The Applicant is proposing a mixed-use development that includes commercial, office and residential uses. Entitlement applications have been submitted for a Zone Map Amendment, Comprehensive Plan, Density Bonus and related Developer Incentives, Tentative Parcel Map and Administrative Use Permit. The Project utilizes density bonus procedures specified in the Culver City Municipal Code and California State law which allows up to 233 units. The proposed Project provides 230 residential units, including 19 very low-income units and 2 workforce housing units with long-term affordability covenants that are offered as a Community Benefit along with a park available for public use. Consideration of the park and workforce housing units for the Project Community Benefit will be considered at a separate City Council hearing. An EIR has been prepared that determines that there is a less than significant impacts for the Project with the inclusion of mitigation measures as noted in Attachment No. 5. Based on the analysis contained herein staff believes the findings for the Zoning Map Amendment, Comprehensive Plan, Density and Other Bonus Incentives, Tentative Parcel Map and Administrative Use Permit can be made as outlined in the Draft Resolution (Attachment No. 2) and recommends that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council approval of the Project. ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS: The following alternative actions may be considered by the Planning Commission: Approve the Project with additional or different Conditions of Approval, if deemed necessary, to meet the required findings and mitigate any new Project impacts identified at the meeting. Recommend Disapproval of the Project to the City Council if it does not meet the required findings. NOTES: 1. The City's engineering consultant (KOA) has confirmed that the cost to construct the Project publicly accessible park is $1,505,992 including all related General Contractor fees and 5% contingency on all hard costs. This is consistent with the Applicant's park cost estimate. The City's financial consultant (KMA) has also reviewed the cost of the park and determined that with the two workforce affordable housing units supplied in the Project, the calculated value for the Community Benefit is consistent with the City's Community Benefit analysis. Therefore, the value of the park plus two workforce units affordable housing has been confirmed to be equivalent to the value of the calculated Community Benefit for the Project. 2. Per Government Code Section 65915 (e) (1), if the City wishes to deny the incentives or concessions requested by the Applicant, it must be able to demonstrate that the 35% density bonus allowed by Section 65915 (f) (2) can be achieved if the requested incentives or concessions are not provided. Government Code Section 65915 (e) (1) further provides for two developer incentives that result in identifiable and actual cost reductions to provide affordable housing. The City's financial consultant, KMA has determined that it would be infeasible to construct the project with the proposed level of affordability without the proposed developer incentives, concessions, and waivers. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Planning Commission Resolution No. 2021-P008, for (P2021-0025-EIR), with Exhibit A, Findings Required by CEQA and Exhibit B, Mitigation Monitoring Program Draft Planning Commission Resolution No. 2021-P009 for (P2021-0025-ZMA, P2021-0025-CP, P2021-0025-DOBI, P2021-0025-TPM, P2021-0025-AUP) with Exhibit A, Conditions of Approval. Project Site Map Comprehensive Plan Amendment No. 16 Draft and Final Environmental Impact Report Public Correspondence Community Meetings Preliminary Construction Management Plan