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Agenda Item

C-5. 21-837 CC - (1) Award of a Construction Contract to Ortiz Enterprises, Inc. in the Amount of $7,608,634.20 for the Higuera Street Bridge Replacement Project, PZ553, BHLS 5240(026) and the Ballona Bicycle Path Connectivity Project at Higuera Street, PZ964, F7507 as the Lowest Responsive and Responsible Bidder; (2) Authorize the Public Works Director/City Engineer to Approve Change Orders in an Amount Not-to-Exceed $760,863; (3) Approval of an Amendment to the Existing Professional Services Agreement with IDC Consulting, Inc. in an Additional Amount Not-to-Exceed $426,901 for Construction Support and Environmental Monitoring; and (4) Approval of an Amendment to the Existing Professional Services Agreement with Biggs Cardosa Associates in an Additional Amount Not-to-Exceed $338,035 for Construction Management and Inspection Services